What makes condensing boiler better than conventional gas boiler? One minor but very important difference

Energy-saving today is an integral part of public life, which includes healthcare, money saving and comfortable living. However, the most important task (goal) of energy-saving is to protect the environment from negative impact. Condensing gas boiler is one of the options to save energy when heating the buildings.

Condensing gas boilers work on condensation principles. This type of gas boiler heats the premises in a more effective and comfortable way due to its modern design.

The combustion products, as hot exhaust steams, flow through the boiler heat exchanger in conventional gas boilers, where most of energy is transferred to the cooling medium, I but not all amount of energy. Therefore, the remaining exhaust gases are discharged into the atmosphere through the chimney followed by thermal losses from unused heat.

On the contrast the condensing boilers are distinguished with the capacity to store and transfer all energy to the heating system without any losses.


SME can considerably save resources by installing such boilers at the hotel or guesthouse. Fuel savings compared to conventional boilers could be as high as 35% and could contribute to an estimated 70% reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Tag: / energy saving
Category: / Energy
Темы: / Good practices