Environmental laundry in Czech Republic

Environmental laundry BSB in Olomouc uses renewable electricity and waste heat from a nearby biogas station and also uses biodegradable detergents. Heat is used in the laundry to preheat water and to dry clothes in dryers. While commonly used electric drying is energy and financially demanding, hot water technology has generated significant savings on operating costs. Thanks to the energy saving measures it can offer its services to customers, which include hospitals, hotels and restaurants, at reasonable prices. The consistent use of biodegradable detergents significantly reduces the impact of its operation on the surrounding environment. The Olomouc facility demonstrates the advantage of finding alternative energy sources, including heat from renewables, to offset what is traditionally an energy-intensive operation. Renewable energy used in high energy applications is saving € 25 000 annually. By using renewable energy and environmentally friendly detergents laundromat can additionally offer its services at attractive prices.