The American University of Central Asia (AUCA) is the first university in Central Asia to issue US accredited degrees through a partnership with Bard College in the USA. The university was founded in 1993 and educates future leaders for democratic transformation in Central Asia. For 25 years of its activity, the university has managed to gain recognition as one of the best universities in the region. Students and teachers from 25 countries of the world study and work here. There are 15 bachelor's and 10 master's programs with most of the courses conducted in English. During the construction of the AUCA building, the energy efficiency system of geothermal heating and cooling was successfully installed for the first time in Central Asia. It demonstrates the commitment of the university in application and promotion of environmental protection, environmental education and sustainable development. The university has also implemented separate collection of waste on its campus (paper, food waste and plastic). The university offers a bachelor's program ""Environmental sustainability and climatology"" and a specialized academic course on green economy. Additionally, on the initiative of AUCA, in 2019, the Alliance of Universities of the Kyrgyz Republic for a Green Economy and Sustainable Development (AVZUR) was created, whose members represent more than 15 universities in the country. This initiative with the support of UNITAR PAGE develops courses on green economics for the member-universities. AUCA regularly organizes and conducts environmental events, such as the 1st Youth Climate Forum in Kyrgyzstan, which was attended by more than 500 students and schoolchildren. It also organizes eco-contests and eco-marathons, trainings, seminars, guest lectures with the participation of international experts in the field of green economy and sustainable development, “green discussions”, school of ""green"" data journalism, participation in Green Week, and etc. AUCA, as PERETO project partner, implements the project through the Tian Shan Policy Center (TSPC) in cooperation with other departments at the university. TSPC has been operating at the university and specializing in conducting research on environmental protection and sustainable development since 2011. Recent studies include study land and pasture degradation in Kyrgyzstan, accounting for natural resources of Kyrgyzstan, studying climate change in Naryn and Batken regions and its impact on agriculture. Among the partners of the center are government agencies, USAID, UNDP, the Hanns Seidel Foundation, GIZ, FAO and many others.

Unison Group is a non-profit organization working for sustainable development in the Kyrgyz Republic. It has more than 18 years of experience in the fields of climate change mitigation strategies, ‘green’ technologies, renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and green finance. Together with its team of national and international specialists, Unison Group implemented dozens of projects on various climate change issues to date. Unison Group’s work range from organizing informational campaigns about energy efficiency to supporting the Kyrgyz government on environmental acts and legislations. Unison Group aims to promote sustainable development of Kyrgyzstan through the transfer of knowledge and innovations in the field of environmental protection, building a green economy, increasing human capital, as well as strengthening constructive dialogue between the state, society and business.

The CSCP (Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production) is an international, non-profit think and do tank. Together with companies, political organisations and civil society actors, the CSCP pursues its mission to mainstream sustainability towards enabling the good life for all. The focus of the Centre is on enabling sustainable consumption and production patterns. With its collaborative approach, the CSCP accelerates change in the following areas: Lifestyles & Behaviour, Infrastructure, Products & Services, Business & Entrepreneurship and Policy. Within these areas CSCP works as a think and do tank, specialising in collaborating with diverse organisations around the globe and across sectors. It works on the vision of a good life by identifying, developing and scaling transformative solutions. The CSCP collaborates with various organisations in Asia and Africa, particularly through the EU SWITCH-Asia programme and the Switch Africa Green projects, promoting sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in sectors such as agriculture, tourism and energy/resource efficiency. Through its SWITCH projects, the CSCP promotes sustainability by addressing (global) value chains. The CSCP engages with local and national governments to recommend and develop policies that promote the implementation of SCP

Technopolis Group is an international research and consulting organization, focusing on science, technology and innovation policy with offices in Amsterdam, Berlin, Brighton, Brussels, Frankfurt, Paris, Stockholm, Tallinn, Vienna, Abidjan and Bogota. It was founded in 1989 and has a track record of over 2700 projects with over 170 employees involved. Technopolis Group conducts horizontal, cross-sectoral, sectoral studies as well as projects where it supports or engages stakeholders from public, business and civil society communities. It specializes in strategic advice to policy makers with planning, forecasting and evaluating of policies and programmes, with the support in the implementation and management of the EU, national, regional, local programmes, with comparative analyses of innovation systems, policies and strategies across countries and organizations. Technopolis Group has developed considerable experience in the area of clean technology, green economy and eco-innovation (resource efficiency, circular economy and sustainable energy), where the expertise lies at the crossroads between research & innovation (R&I) and private sector development policies. Additionally, Technopolis Group has an experience in managing projects and building platforms for stakeholders to address sustainability issues. Such platforms are European network of businesses and SMEs for Industrial Symbiosis (CircLEAN), European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre (EREK), Eco-Innovation Observatory, Circular economy for EU regions and territories - CIRCTER, EU Blue Bioeconomy Forum, etc. These platforms are tailored to serve information and knowledge exchange needs of industries, SMEs, business intermediaries, clusters, researchers, and policy makers on EU, national and local levels. Technopolis Group has delivered projects to various directorates of the European Commission (DG Environment, DG Energy, DG GROW, DG Research and Innovation, DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, EASME, European Parliament, the Donor Committee on Enterprise Development (through the World Bank), the OECD, UNIDO, the Nordic Council of Ministers, as well as to national, regional authorities and agencies.