
Sustainable tourism is not a single type or product in tourism. The principles of sustainability relate to the environmental, economic and sociocultural aspects of tourism development, and there must be a balance between the three dimensions to ensure a long-term sustainability.

  • Environmental aspect - to ensure the optimal use of natural resources, which are the main element of tourism development, supporting essential ecological processes and helping to conserve natural resources and biodiversity;
  • Sociocultural aspect – to respect the socio-cultural characteristics of the host communities, preserve their cultural heritage and traditional values, and promote intercultural understanding and tolerance;
  • Economic dimension - to guarantee viable, long-term economic transactions by providing and equitably distributing socio-economic benefits for all participants. By distributing such benefits as sustainable employment, income opportunities and social security in host communities, tourism contributes to poverty reduction.

Sustainable tourism development and sustainable development management practices are applicable to all forms of tourism in all types of tourism destinations, including various segments of tourism, including mass tourism.